NOTE: All member and nonmember tickets for Phipps Holiday Magic must be reserved in advance. Learn more about how you can join us!



The following resources are intended for use by Phipps Sustainable Landcare Accredited (SLA) Professionals.



Accreditation and Re-accreditation Forms

  • NEW Sustainable Landcare Accreditation (Google Form, preferred)
    Complete and submit this form to create or update your listing in the Sustainable Landcare Services online guide and brochure.
    Use this PDF if you are unable to access the Google Form
  • Sustainable Landcare Re-Accreditation (Google Form, preferred)
    Complete and submit this form to document your credit hours for Sustainable Landcare Re-Accreditation.
    Use this PDF if you are unable to access the Google Form



Click here to remit your payment for Sustainable Landcare Re-Accreditation online via credit card. If you choose to pay by check, see the Sustainable Landcare Reaccreditation Form for details. 


Sustainable Landcare Accreditation seal is made available in EPS (for print publications) and PNG (for web publications) formats. The Sustainable Landcare seal is property of Phipps Conservatory and Botanical Gardens and can be copied and resized for your use, but cannot be altered in any other way. Please email to request the seal for use.

For questions or other requests, please contact Sustainable Landcare Program Coordinator Juliette Olshock at

Sustainable Landcare Services