
The Hydroponic System Is Up and Ready to Go!
The mission of Young Scholars of Greater Allegheny Charter School (YSGA) is to develop productive members of society by teaching critical skills through research – based pedagogy and data – driven instruction. YSGA strives to help students succeed in all aspects of life through an innovative STEAM program, the use of the latest technology, exposure to world languages and cultures, and the promotion of positive social – emotional skills. In a rich academic environment, YSGA students will set an example for closing the achievement gap and student success.
The administrative team, teachers and the staff at YSGA are caring, competent, dedicated and can’t wait to share their knowledge with your child. We provide our students the opportunity to grow, learn and enjoy the YSGA environment which fosters a love of learning and academic growth. We are committed to enriching the lives of all students and our families play a very important part in this work! This important partnership provides support for each party and results in positive collaboration, open communication and scholars who enjoy learning.
A few YSGA scholars recently assembled a new hydroponic system! We have the seeds, special vitamins, food and water to nourish the seeds. For our scholars, it was an easy build! The structure provides enough space for 36 plants, which will be primarily lettuce, kale and spinach. Sponge pods have also been placed and we plan to add the water next week. Check it out!
Seed pods:
Water Pump:
Entire System: