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Practice 5-2-1-0 at Phipps
Mar 23

Practice 5-2-1-0 at Phipps

By Ashlee Cubarney, Let's Move Pittsburgh Program Assistant

Spring has sprung here at Phipps! Come visit the Conservatory to see our beautiful blooms and get healthy while you’re here! Continuing reading to find out how to incorporate 5-2-1-0 into your next visit.

5-2-1-0 is a movement to reinforce healthy lifestyle choices that benefit local kids and their families. The 5-2-1-0 movement promotes four key messages about healthy eating and physical activity. These are:

5 or more servings of fruits and vegetables

Make the tree to table connection by visiting our Tropical Fruit and Spice Room to get a glimpse at fruit growing. Keep a look out for papaya growing in the Tropical Forest Congo! After you look at all the fruit growing in the Conservatory, get a delicious fruit salad from the Café.


2 hours or less of recreational screen time

Phipps is a screen-free facility so there are not screens around to distract you from the beauty! Use your time at the Conservatory to unplug and spend time with nature. Only bring your phone out to take pictures of our beautiful seasonal shows!


1 hour or more of physical activity

While you’re walking around the conservatory you’re being active! By walking the pathway around the Conservatory, you are racking in a half of a mile which is about 1,000 steps. Health experts recommend that you walk at least 10,000 steps as day (or 5 miles), so one lap through Phipps will put you well on your way to your daily goal. Gain some more steps by visiting our outdoor gardens or by visiting the Center for Sustainable Landscapes! Burn some extra calories by hopping on our 5-2-1-0 themed hopscotch in the Gallery Room!


0 sugary drinks and more water

If you find yourself thirsty during your visit, try a delicious Phipps Splash from our Café! A Phipps Splash is a mixture of carbonated water and fruit puree which mimics the taste of soda but is a healthy, natural option! Try flavors like: cantaloupe, honeydew, grapefruit, orange and pineapple-orange. Café Phipps also sells reusable water bottles filled with filtered water for you to enjoy!