In with the Interns at Phipps
From tending garden beds and arranging exhibit displays to whipping up their own unique culinary creations, our high school interns are keeping busy this summer here at Phipps! 'In with the Interns' is a segment featuring our 2015 high school interns; this segment will explore what they do, learn and experience this summer during their internship. This week we will hear from two of our interns as they describe what the best part of their internship has been so far.
"The most memorable event that happened to me this week was our 'Green Careers Lunch.' It was relieving to hear that other people (who I am familiar with from last year) had no idea what they wanted to do with their lives at my age and even didn't know if college was for them. If gives me relief in knowning that it's okay for me not to have everything figured out." - Dani Einloth
"I learned a lot this week, but what I enjoyed the most was the 'Green Careers Lunch' and knowing that any job can deal with the environment and environmental issues if you really think about it." - Hawa Mada
Photograph taken by Kate Borger.