
2016 Green Schools Conference Comes to Pittsburgh
Phipps is proud to sponsor for the 2016 Green Schools Conference & Expo (GSCE) taking place Thurs., March 31 and Fri., April 1 at the David L. Lawrence Convention Center in Pittsburgh. The GSCE brings together educators, administrators, nonprofit leaders, corporations and elected officials to advocate for green schools for all.
The two day conference offers lots of interesting discussions and hands-on programs designed to reach a wide audience focused on greening schools. Those familiar with Phipps’ focus on biophilia and reconnecting children and adults with nature will want to attend the session “Connecting Human & Environmental Health Through Biophilia: You have Everything to Gain” on Thurs., March 31 from 4:15 – 5:15 p.m. Also, plan to attend a pre-conference workshop hosted by Phipps Conservatory on “Creating Connections to Nature for Human and Ecological Wellness through Biophilia and Art” on Wed., March 30 from 11 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Check out the schedule for all of the available sessions and workshops during this conference. We look forward to seeing you there!