Phipps Blog
This Week at Phipps Feb. 6 - 12
There's always something new to see and do at Phipps! This weekly blog post provides a run-down of the latest happenings so you can plan your visit. Events listed below require no advance registration unless noted...
#bioPGH Blog: Lovin’ the Lichen!
When it's more than just one organism, it might be a lichen!
This Week at Phipps Jan. 30 - Feb. 5
There's always something new to see and do at Phipps! This weekly blog post provides a run-down of the latest happenings so you can plan your visit. Events listed below require no advance registration unless noted...
This Week at Phipps Jan. 23 - 29
There's always something new to see and do at Phipps! This weekly blog post provides a run-down of the latest happenings so you can plan your visit. Events listed below require no advance registration unless noted...
#bioPGH Blog: Wintry Photo Scavenger Hunt
When it’s cold, slushy, muddy, or perhaps even snowy outside, we may need a bit more motivation to get outdoors and explore. Here is a scavenger hunt for the whole family to enjoy!
Horticulture Spotlight: Braley Burke
Horticulture is the art or practice of garden cultivation and management. Without horticulture, and the people who are most passionate about it, Phipps would not be what it is today. Phipps takes pride in having elaborate,...