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By Dr. Maria Wheeler-Dubas, Research and Science Education Outreach Coordinator
Thanksgiving's most famous bird was once threatened with extinction from habitat loss and exploitation. Let's explore this conservation success story!
Have you ever seen galls on leaves or trees? Let’s explore what’s happening with them!
By Carina Martin
Although Mike Crawmer has occasionally lent his weeding skills to the Phipps exhibit beds, he doesn’t pride himself on his emerald thumbs. “I plant seeds and I hope they grow,” he says. “That’s the...
Come to Phipps Conservatory for Meet a Scientist this Saturday, November 18, from 1:30-3:30 pm!
This time of year, deer are particularly active, and especially the males have thrown caution to the wind. What is going, one might ask? Short answer: breeding season.
By Hannah Nowicki
Read about two families becoming one in Jon and Jaime's intimate, early spring ceremony in the Broderie Room.
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