Phipps Blog
#bioPGH Blog: Some Preparation for Migration
Some birds have quite the journey ahead of them as they migrate for winter - how do they store up the energy?
Phipps Continues Commitment to Sustainability With Innovative Lawn Care Practices
New electric lawnmowers are a crucial edition to Phipps' innovative lawn care plan.
Weddings Under Glass: Beckie and Mattia
Weddings Under Glass is a monthly blog series where we highlight the stories of couples who chose to begin their happily ever after in the lush backdrop of Phipps, named one of the best outdoor garden wedding venues...
#bioPGH Blog: Sweetgum Tree
Besides its star-shaped leaves, the sweetgum is a tree with many distinctive traits, including its bark-winged twigs and its spiky little fruits.
Meet a Scientist: Dr. Ryan Gott and Song-My Hoang
Stop by the Tropical Forest Cuba this Saturday, September 15, from 1:30 – 3:30 p.m. to meet local scientists Dr. Ryan Gott and doctoral candidate Song-My Hoang!
Exploring Pittsburgh in the Fall
Read on for some tips on how to have the most active, colorful fall yet!
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