Phipps Blog
#bioPGH Blog: Canada Geese in Pittsburgh
Canada geese are prominent part of Pittsburgh’s urban wildlife. And when you think about it, they have proven themselves to be hardy and resilient, just like Pittsburghers!
Food in the News: 2018 Food & Health Survey
To increase awareness of children’s health and wellness topics, Phipps' Let’s Move Pittsburgh program presents Food in the News, a column on local, state and national health policies and nutrition related updates...
Weddings Under Glass: Jamie and Joe
Phipps' Tropical Forest Patio with breathtaking sunset views was the perfect venue for Jamie and Joe's summer wedding.
Ask Ginger: How to Use and Store Fresh Herbs
You've got questions ... we’ve got answers! Email your queries about healthy foods, physical activity and screen time for kids and Ginger will answer them here on the Phipps blog. Q: I'd like to...
#bioPGH Blog: Brown-headed Cowbirds
Parasitism - not just for worms and arthropods! Check a local feathered friend that makes a proper nuisance of itself.
Volunteer Spotlight: Lisa Schrott
Phipps is well-known for our beautiful gardens, seasonal flower shows, pioneering sustainability initiatives, informative educational programs and community outreach. None of our work, however, would be possible without the...
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