Phipps Blog
Meet a Scientist: Jennifer Broderick
Are you ready to learn more about tiger genetics? December's Meet A Scientist is pretty cool cat!
#bioPGH Blog: Lake Turnover
You know the saying, “what goes up must come down?” Well, in an unusual way, it applies to our local lakes. Let's find out what that means and try some cool activities at home!...
Ask Ginger: Staying Active During the Winter Months
You've got questions ... we’ve got answers! Email your queries about healthy foods, physical activity and screen time for kids and Ginger will answer them here on the Phipps blog. Q: I find it difficult...
Volunteer Spotlight: Amy Troyani
Phipps master gardener and conservatory docent Amy Troyani is the quintessential educator. Upon retiring in 2011 from a 40-year career teaching in Pittsburgh and Venezuela, she began volunteering at Phipps in order to keep learning...
#bioPGH Blog: Trees in the Winter
What are some adaptations that trees need to get through the freezing temperatures that drive us to parkas and hot chocolate? Let’s take a look!
Fairchild Challenge at Phipps: Challenge #2 Winners Announced!
Thank you to the many schools that submitted an entry for Challenge #2, “Eco-App.” Smartphone applications give us access to a wealth of information at our fingertips, but screen time can take away time spent...
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