Phipps Blog
Ask Ginger: Kitchen Safety
You've got questions ... we’ve got answers! Email your queries about healthy foods, physical activity and screen time for kids and Ginger will answer them here on the Phipps blog. Q: I’m thinking...
#bioPGH Blog: A Sketch Worth a Thousand Words
As recently as the last century, sketches and drawings were an essential tool in skill box of a naturalist, but it's not a lost art!
Enter the 5-2-1-0 Back-to-School Photo Contest for a Chance to Win Phipps Passes
The 5-2-1-0 campaign reminds us to stay healthy by eating 5 or more servings of fruits and vegetables, limiting recreational screen time to 2 hours or less, being active for 1 hour or more and drinking 0 sugary drinks and more...
Ask Ginger: How to Have a Healthy School Year
You've got questions ... we’ve got answers! Email your queries about healthy foods, physical activity and screen time for kids and Ginger will answer them here on the Phipps blog. Q: My family and I are trying to...
#bioPGH Blog: Dozing Daisies - Exploring the Flowers that “Sleep” at Night
Have you noticed that some flowers seem curl up and "sleep" at night? Why do they do that? How do they do that? Let's explore!
Health in Motion: St. Bernard School
This article is a part of a series called Health in Motion brought you by Let’s Move Pittsburgh. Health in Motion is intended to showcase the efforts of schools and community organizations in the Pittsburgh region who are...
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