#bioPGH Blog
A resource of Biophilia: Pittsburgh, #bioPGH is a weekly blog and social media series that aims to encourage both children and adults to reconnect with nature and enjoy what each of our distinctive seasons has to offer. From the best times to plant seasonal flora and enjoy their peak blooms, to astronomical events and creatures to keep an eye and ear out for, Phipps will keep you in the know with what’s going on in our environment!
#bioPGH: Amphibians Ahead!
If you’ve been following along the blog for a few years now, you can probably guess what I am looking forward to this time of year!
#bioPGH Blog: Following Spring Bird Migrations with Radar
You've heard of weather forecasts, but have you heard of BirdCast?
#bioPGH: What Kind of Wintertime Snooze?
Hibernation is a bit more complicated than simply sleep - let's check it out!
#bioPGH Blog: Fireflies in the Headlines
Fireflies have been making headlines lately - why the sudden concern?
#bioPGH Blog: Groundhogs – Neither Hogs nor Always on the Ground
They may not be the best indicator of spring and winter, but groundhogs are still a fascinating species!
#bioPGH Blog: Blue Jays the Tricksters!
Blue jays are clever problem-solvers and mimcs - let's learn a bit more about these bright blue tricksters!